Outback Writer

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sexual assult trials

The sexual assault trials of famous people taking place now are frightening. One woman said that she did not come forward earlier because William Roache was famous. What has changed? He's still famous. The accusations against Rolf Harris are bizarre.

All this reminds me of when I was a five year old. My mother was in hospital and my father was in the army. His barracks were opposite my school. I was used to visiting them, but on this occasion I got lost. After wandering down empty corridors I was getting frightened. I found myself in a room where a soldier was reading a file. He saw me and asked what I was doing.
'I'm looking for my daddy,' I replied.
'What your daddy's name?'
Probably realising I was upset, he searched through my school bag till he found a book with my name on it. He took hold of my hand and took me to the tying pool while my father was located.
In today's malicious wold he probably would have run from the room when he saw me, and denied having ever seen a little girl in a school uniform.


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